for i in 0..self.chunks {
let (r, theta): (f32, f32) = buffer[i].to_polar();
+ if i == 100 {println!("theta: {theta}");}
let amplitude = 20f32 * r.log10();
let amplitude = ((amplitude - VOLUME_MIN) / (VOLUME_REL / AMPLITUDE_REL)) + AMPLITUDE_MIN;
let hue = (180f32 / 255f32) * amplitude;
- let angle = (theta.to_degrees() + 180f32) / (360f32 / ANGLE_REL) + ANGLE_MIN;
+ let angle = (theta.to_degrees() + 180f32) * (ANGLE_REL / 360f32) + ANGLE_MIN;
let d = hue * (1f32 / 30f32);
let s = angle / 255f32;
let v = amplitude / 255f32;
+ let s1 = s * 255f32;
+ let v1 = v * 255f32;
+ if i == 100 {println!("h: {hue} s:{s1} v:{v1}");}
let c = s * v;
let m = v - c;
let x = c * (1f32 - (d.rem_euclid(2f32) - 1f32).abs());
let alpha = r - (g / 2f32) - (b / 2f32);
let beta = SQRT3_2 * (g - b);
- let c = beta.hypot(alpha);
// let h = beta.atan2(alpha).to_degrees() + 180f32;
let v = r.max(g).max(b);
- let s = if v == 0f32 { 0f32 } else { c * (255f32) / v };
+ let c = (v - r.min(g).min(b)) * 255f32;
+ let s = if v == 0f32 { 0f32 } else { c / v };
let amplitude = 10f32.powf(amplitude / 20f32);
- let angle = (s - ANGLE_MIN) * (ANGLE_REL / 360f32) - 180f32;
+ if i == 100 {println!("alpha: {alpha}, beta: {beta} chroma: {c}");}
+ if i == 100 {println!("s: {s}, v: {v}");}
+ let angle = (s - ANGLE_MIN) / (ANGLE_REL / 360f32) - 180f32;
let angle = angle.to_radians();
+ if i == 100 {println!("theta: {angle}");}
buffer[i] = Complex::from_polar(amplitude, angle);
-fn process <'a, T: Fft<f32>> (transform: T, buffer: &'a mut [Complex<f32>], scratch: &'a mut [Complex<f32>]) -> () {
- match transform.fft_direction() {
- FftDirection::Forward => { // process the data if the forward fft is to be performed
- transform.process_with_scratch(buffer, scratch);
- }
- FftDirection::Inverse => { // process the data if the inverse fft is to be performed
- transform.process_with_scratch(buffer, scratch);
- }
+fn _test () -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let forward_transform = Radix4::<f32>::new(WINDOW_SIZE, FftDirection::Forward);
+ let inverse_transform = Radix4::<f32>::new(WINDOW_SIZE, FftDirection::Inverse);
+ let scratch_space = forward_transform.get_inplace_scratch_len();
+ let mut buffer = vec![Complex{re: 0f32, im: 0f32}; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut origional = vec![Complex{re: 0f32, im: 0f32}; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut scratch = vec![Complex{re: 0f32, im: 0f32}; scratch_space];
+ for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
+ let rand1 = rand::random::<f32>();
+ let rand2 = rand::random::<f32>();
+ buffer[i] = Complex{re: rand1, im: rand2};
+ origional[i] = Complex{re: rand1, im: rand2};
+ }
+ forward_transform.process_with_scratch(&mut buffer, &mut scratch);
+ inverse_transform.process_with_scratch(&mut buffer, &mut scratch);
+ let mut real_diff = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut imag_diff = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
+ real_diff[i] = origional[i].re - buffer[i].re;
+ imag_diff[i] = origional[i].im - buffer[i].im;
+ let mut fg = Figure::new();
+ fg.axes2d()
+ .lines(
+ &real_diff,
+ &imag_diff,
+ &[Caption("Difference"), Color("blue")]
+ );
+ Ok(())
let scratch_space = forward_transform.get_inplace_scratch_len();
// register the buffer and scratch space
- let mut origional = [0i16; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
let mut buffer = vec![Complex{re: 0f32, im: 0f32}; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
let mut scratch = vec![Complex{re: 0f32, im: 0f32}; scratch_space];
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => 0i16
- origional[i] = value;
buffer[i] = Complex{re: value as f32, im: 0f32};
// register the image
let mut image_array = ImageArray::new();
- process(forward_transform, &mut buffer, &mut scratch);
+ // get the time, real and imag components of the fft buffer
+ let mut origional_real = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut origional_imag = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
+ origional_real[i] = buffer[i].re;
+ origional_imag[i] = buffer[i].im;
+ }
+ forward_transform.process_with_scratch(&mut buffer, &mut scratch);
- image_array.from_buffer(&buffer);
- image_array.to_buffer(&mut buffer);
+ let mut fft_real = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut fft_imag = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
+ fft_real[i] = buffer[i].re;
+ fft_imag[i] = buffer[i].im;
+ }
+ //image_array.from_buffer(&buffer);
- process(inverse_transform, &mut buffer, &mut scratch);
+ //image_array.to_buffer(&mut buffer);
- let mut processed = [0i16; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut transformed_real = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut transformed_imag = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
- processed[i] = buffer[i].re as i16;
+ transformed_real[i] = buffer[i].re;
+ transformed_imag[i] = buffer[i].im;
- let mut time = [0i16; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ inverse_transform.process_with_scratch(&mut buffer, &mut scratch);
+ // get the time, real and imag components of the fft buffer
+ let mut processed_real = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
+ let mut processed_imag = [0f32; SPECTOGRAM_AREA];
for i in 0..SPECTOGRAM_AREA {
- time[i] = i as i16;
+ processed_real[i] = buffer[i].re;
+ processed_imag[i] = buffer[i].im;
let image = ImageView::new(ImageInfo::rgb8(WINDOW_SIZE as u32, CHUNK_SIZE as u32), &;
let mut fg = Figure::new();
- &time,
- &origional,
- &[Caption("Origional"), Color("blue")]
+ &fft_real,
+ &fft_imag,
+ &[Caption("FFT"), Color("red")]
- &time,
- &processed,
- &[Caption("Processed"), Color("red")]
+ &transformed_real,
+ &transformed_imag,
+ &[Caption("Transfomed"), Color("green")]
+ )
+ .lines(
+ &processed_real,
+ &processed_imag,
+ &[Caption("Processed"), Color("yellow")]
+ )
+ .lines(
+ &origional_real,
+ &origional_imag,
+ &[Caption("Origional"), Color("blue")]